Saturday, May 15, 2010

WandCast, Episode 5 is Going Live Today (5/15/10)!

Yeppers, right after the Live Coven Run (which I was stupid enough not to record xD) we've decided to hand out a bit more wackiness with WandCast Episode 5! Don't worry folks: I'm going to record it just in-case Livestream's recorder doesn't cooperate. I think it will. Here's the times:

Eastern: 7:00 PM
Central: 6:00 PM
Mountain: 5:00 PM
Pacific: 4:00 PM

I'm sure the show is going to rock! Remember- we're going to announce the winner of the Poster Contest and we're gonna chat about the new Pets thing. Not that it's a big deal ;-) Also, we hope to be joined by Reed GiantPetal for a special segment on how Wizard 101 Central works. You know, the nuts and bolts.

WandCast, Epiosde 5 will be recorded in our Livestream chatroom (click here). Come back here and click that link when the time is right!

I've got a feeling this show will be good, or lucky. I've also just noticed that the date of the show, 5/15/10, are all multiples of 5, the number of the episode of WandCast. And I'm not math geek... didn't think I'd see that one :D

Yesterday, I worked with Cody on our outfit's for the Ravenwood Ball. I know, I had one, but I really started to get annoyed with the pink (I'm SORRY, Cassandra) and so now I think it looks a lot better. I'll post back with more info later today.

Come to WandCast!

-D. MoonCatcher

P.S. Yes, Kestrel and David will most definitely be there this time... AND on time!


  1. Aw I missed the Coven run because I broke my arm :-(

  2. @michael Even though I don't know you I hope have a quick recovery.
    @wizard101info I'll hopefully be there in the chat room. I hope I one the poster contest! Also I hope friendly will be in the chat room. I need to speak to him.

  3. What in the world is wandcast? I'll have to go find out.

  4. Hopefully I will be there listening in :P if I can make it that is o: But I am most likely gonna be but saddly Marissa isn't here so Just meh :P

  5. banana king be there
