Friday, August 27, 2010

Dusky Hits Krokotopia!

Last night, with help from Haley MoonCatcher, my little Conjurer (Dustin DuskCatcher) finished off Wizard City and received his MythBlade spell. Picture time!

Dusky chillin' in the Myth School

Dusky's current deck setup. Note the Sideboard ;)

Lil' Dustin's stats. Pretty nice, for his level. Note gold amount (Wayfinder Scheme FTW!).

Bubba REALLY saves the day here. Note my current health situation X_X

So yeah, that's all pretty awesome. I pretty much really mad at David because he's been telling me my whole Wizard101 career that Myth is the school for me. Up until now, I really couldn't believe that because I'd never played it before. (Unless you count me getting a Conjurer to Level 5 on he first day I ever played :P) 

Could little Dusky possibly rival MoonCatcher as mains'? Find out next time, on. . . Wait, this isn't Ditto's segment ;)

Keep on Casting,
D. MoonCatcher DuskCatcher? 


  1. All I can say is, some people like Conjuring, some don't. Maybe you have the right attitude for it, we'll see! I personally like the school of storm better though ;)

  2. Nice! My myth is still somewhere in the Pyramid of the Sun. Boy, I do not like Krokotopia. :P
