Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Wizard 101 Bloggers Club All-Star Meet & Greet Announcement!

Hey guys. My apologies for not posting for a few days. I guess that my philosophy behind a lack of posts is that once Celestia is actually fully released, I'm going to have enough to blog about.

For now, I'd rather enjoy the game until new quests come ;)

I'm here to announce a really special event; The Wizard 101 Blogger's Club All-Star Meet & Greet!

Here's the official announcement from John LifeGlen, the founder of the Wizard 101 Blogger's Club.

Thanks, Luke, for adding me in that list. Here's the info on the party if you can't read parts of the handwriting.

Date: July 29, 2010
Time: 9:00 pm ET, 8:00 CT, 7:00 MT, 6:00 PT (British time coming soon!) 
Location: Golem Court (teleport bus) 
Realm: Unicorn

Guys, this event is going to be really awesome, so please come on out to it!

In other news, WandCast 8 is going to be recording live in our chatroom tomorrow at 8 pm Eastern. It's going to be an awesome show, with mixed intro music I think is really funny. Let's just say that Stephen and Leesha are going to like it. 

Alright, PLOX!

Keep on Casting,
D. MoonCatcher 


  1. cool, can you join the bloggers club if you have a blog on blogspot? just asking..

  2. Dustin, you got the interview yet?

  3. I MIGHT COME! are you aloud in if your only like me? i have a blog! and better, a wizard101 blog!

  4. Hello, I Wanna join btw do you work for Wizard101?
