Friday, February 11, 2011

Grandmaster Gardener

Yup, Its all in the title. I made the epic title of Grandmaster Gardener, and I almost had no idea it was going to happen! I was talking to Alia Lotuspetal, and then harvested my good ol Trumpet vines, and WHAM! Grandmaster.

Its not gonna be a huge post, but in recap of my past few weeks or so, I havent done much...Beta Testing Rift, and just messing with plants. (I hate you Fly Trap, yes I do).

Have a Good Weekend ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Exceedingly Tedious Various Updates from Dustin, Abridged.

Hey all! Dustin here!

It's been a little since I posted, but that's cool. My Bar Mitzvah is all finished up now (it's David's turn next. I can't wait.)

Anyway, I scored an Epic Bundle Gift Card from David for my birthday. Thanks cousin! I've been putting a lot of energy into putting it together, and it's been going really well. I started Gardening as well, and it's going... okay. I'm really not a fan of having to check on the Garden everyday. I think KI really should look into fixing that. Sorry. Kestrel's T Word Theorem is just too prominent here.

What else, what else. Oh! Celestia! David and I recently faced one of the most deadly minions of Morganthe - yet another shark! I'm not sure about the name of the boss, but finishing up a certain instance level (aka dungeon if you're not an old timer) ended with our entry into the Sun Zone of Celestia. Updates coming soon on how that's been!

I'd also like to take a moment to commemorate Luke GoldHorn, a fantastic blogger who is leaving the Wizard community for at least a few years. Luke, you've earned this break, and come back or not, you've been a truly amazing friend to David and me. We both wish you luck in all your future endeavors. Even though we'll be talking to you on Skype now and then ;-)

All right, folks. That's my update... for now.

Signing off with a mighty "EEEPA, EEEPA,"
D. MoonCatcher

Does it work?

Hey y'all working on having my posts say (Posted by David TitanRider) so this is a test post. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kingsisle Open Chat Change. (****PATCHED****)

Ok, for those of you who have realized this, KI has put a restriction of Open Chat to only people who have put in a credit card (aka adults). This was the message from Lydia GrayRose.

Subject: Update to Open Chat

Professor Greyrose

06:25 am

 Accounts that are NOT currently subscribed with a credit card will no longer have 18+ open chat. Those accounts will revert to Text Chat. Open Chat is a feature for accounts currently subscribed with a valid Credit Card.

We try to offer a full range of player account options (ie. Credit Cards, PayPal, Gift Certificates, Gift Cards, subscriptions, access passes, free trial, etc). Each of these comes with its own set of benefits and limitations.

For instance, as a crowns player, you have lifetime access to areas purchased. As a credit card subscriber, you’re given the option to enable 18+ chat (if you’re 18+ in age of course).

The fact that some accounts were able to retain their 18+ chat ability even when they were no longer subscribed, was a bug. In an effort to keep the player options equitable for all, we fixed the bug.

We thank you for your understanding. Please note, your ability to chat is not gone, your account will retain the filtered chat option.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan/18/2011 3:08 pm

". . . with Persistence, Victory is assured"
Lydia Greyrose
Professor of Ice Magic
 This is a pretty sad excuse to get people to be polite on Wizard101. It not only effects those who are following chat rules-(Who are now quitting, or planning on it). It is also affecting people who play with crowns. THIS IS A TEMPORARY FIX FOR PEOPLE WHO JUST WANT TO DISRUPT Wizard101. THEY CAN JUST AS EASILY PUT IN A CREDIT CARD AND RESUME WHAT THEY WERE DOING BEFORE. Kingsisle should change this immediately, for the sake of the community. I know this post is a little one sided, who I suppose I should focus on benefits.
Since the bad things were all posted above.

 Good: It helps to limit people who use vulgar language.
It also requires people to have a credit card to "ensure" adultery behavior.
I cant think of other reasons, but I once again think of this: THIS IS A TEMPORARY FIX FOR PEOPLE WHO JUST WANT TO DISRUPT Wizard101. THEY CAN JUST AS EASILY PUT IN A CREDIT CARD AND RESUME WHAT THEY WERE DOING BEFORE.  Honestly what percentage of people who do say vulgar words actually have they're parents know about this!!!!!!!!   KI didnt think very well about this problem, and should reconsider a better course of action.

Thanks for listening to my onesided Rant.

Thanks all- ( and yes it still says Posted By Dustin MoonCatcher- which is annoying)

-David TitanRider


Monday, January 3, 2011

Some Wacky Observations and Experiences

It's the last day of my winter break, and I've been cramming in all the Wizard101 I can before school picks up and my game time is dramatically shortened. In fact, with my Bar Mitzvah less than two weeks away, a science project underway, and the second semester of school starting, I seriously doubt I'll be playing at all.

With that said, I'd like to share some interesting/funny observations and experiences (hence the title) with you guys.

So David, the lucky little romancer *s'cuse me* Pyromancer, is currently down in Florida chilling in the real Wizarding World. He pretty much forced me before he left to promise that I'd look after his garden for him, a promise I might need to break because of that school thing most of us do.

I haven't gardened much on Dustin yet, so I found this to be a really fun experience... So far. Here's a really neat spell I used...

Neat, right? Love the look of that...

Also, and call me weird, I saw this Pickle plant (I think it's called the Fickle Pickle), that weirdly resembles Paul McCartney. PLEASE tell me you guys know who Paul McCartney is.

Can anyone else see it? In the face? No? Leave a comment!

Oh, yeah, and what the HECK is THIS pet?

Where did that thing come from? It's freaking awesome! Please, leave a comment if you know...

Keep on Casting,
D. MoonCatcher