Saturday, April 24, 2010

Interview of Autumn DuskHunter

Taji34 over at the Sorcerer's Corner has just supplied the community with an excellent interview of Autumn DuskHunter, the omnipotent blogger from Homework in a Graveyard.

Click here to check out the interview! Thank Taji34 and Autumn!

Keep on Casting!


  1. lol, thank you, but I think "omnipotent" is a *bit* of a stretch. XD I am just another wizard, like anyone else, just very "bloggy".

    Be well!

  2. Natalie Crowshard begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, and I, David Frostcrafter, will be throwing an “Earth Gathering.”

    Where: Ravenwood, Realm Vampire Area 1

    When: May 1, 2010 at 12:00 central time.

    Who: Anybody who wants to have a good time!

    Oh, and if possible wear green clothing supporting the “Earth” theme. Thanks, and I hope to see you there!
